How fast is reading .parquet files with {arrow}

arrow .parquet .csv data.table readr

We compare reading times of csv files with different packages such as {readr}, {data.table} and {arrow}. We also compare the reading time of a parquet data format with {arrow}.

Lefkios Paikousis

What I am primarily interested in, is the data format .parquet. It is advertised as an open source, column-oriented data file format designed for efficient data storage and retrieval. Well, the column oriented seems to be aligned with how R works.

See more info on the {arrow} package.

Want to learn a bit more for Apache Arrow and dplyr for exploratory data analysis, see this amazing presentation by Tom Mock

Last, the code for the entire analysis canbe found on github

Let’s code now.

First, the needed libraries.

The dataset

I am going to use the palmerpenguins dataset. It’s a dataset with 3 character columns and 5 numeric ones.

Will do the following

dta <- palmerpenguins::penguins

ids <- sample(nrow(dta), 100000,  replace = TRUE)

dta <- dta[ids,] %>% mutate(across(where(is.factor), as.character))

Write data to disk

We write a .csv version, and a .parquet version

temp_file_csv <- tempfile(pattern = ".csv")

temp_file_parquet <- tempfile(pattern = ".parquet")

write.csv(dta, temp_file_csv, row.names = FALSE)

arrow::write_parquet(dta, temp_file_parquet)

The comparison

I use the {bench} package.

Note the check = FALSE argument in bench::mark(). This argument checks whether the results of the different methods are consistent. There is a reason I deactivate it, and I check manually later on


n_iterations <- 20

res <- bench::mark(check = FALSE,
                   "base::read.csv"        = read.csv(temp_file_csv),
                   "arrow::read_csv_arrow" = arrow::read_csv_arrow(temp_file_csv),
                   "readr::read_csv"       = readr::read_csv(
                     show_col_types = FALSE, 
                     progress = FALSE),
                   "data.table::fread"     = data.table::fread(temp_file_csv),
                   "arrow::read_parquet"   = arrow::read_parquet(temp_file_parquet),
                   iterations = n_iterations


The winner is: data.table::fread!

data.table::fread and arrow::read_parquet have comparable speed.
However, data.table consumes much more memory (5.87MB) compared to arrow::read_parquet (1.08MB)

res %>% 
  select(expression, min, median, mem_alloc)
# A tibble: 5 x 4
  expression                 min   median mem_alloc
  <bch:expr>            <bch:tm> <bch:tm> <bch:byt>
1 base::read.csv           184ms  187.7ms   26.88MB
2 arrow::read_csv_arrow   30.4ms   32.2ms    5.36MB
3 readr::read_csv        139.6ms  143.1ms    1.45MB
4 data.table::fread       16.7ms   17.8ms    5.87MB
5 arrow::read_parquet     15.8ms   16.7ms    1.08MB

Size on disk

Significantly lower file size for the .parquet file compared to the .csv.

.csv size:  4.86 MB
.parquet size:  0.43 MB

Does the content matter?

A (rough) check whether the column type [characters or numbers] have any effect on the reading time.

I create 3 datasets; one with mostly numeric columns, one with mostly character columns and one with half numeric and half character columns

# borrowed from 
create_numeric_df <- function(rows, cols) {
    replicate(cols, runif(rows, 1, 1000), simplify = FALSE),
    rep_len(c("x", letters), cols)))

create_character_df <- function(rows, cols) {
    replicate(cols, sample(, rows, replace = TRUE), simplify = FALSE),
    rep_len(c("x", LETTERS), cols)))

n_cols <- 10; n_rows <- 100000

some_string <- c("a string here", "a string there")

# Mostly numeric. 9 numeric and 1 character
dta_numeric <- create_numeric_df(n_rows,n_cols) 
dta_numeric$x = some_string

# Mostly character 9 character and 1 numeric
dta_character <- create_character_df(n_rows, n_cols)
dta_character$x <- runif(n_rows, 1, 1000)

# Mixed. 5 numeric - 5 character
dta_mixed <- bind_cols(

types <- c("numeric", "character", "mixed") %>% set_names()

csv_files <- imap(types, ~ tempfile(., fileext = ".csv"))

parquet_files <- imap(types, ~tempfile(., fileext = ".parquet"))

# write the scv files
walk2(csv_files, names(csv_files), function(path, type) {
  switch (type,
          "numeric"   = write.csv(dta_numeric, path, row.names = FALSE),
          "character" = write.csv(dta_character, path, row.names = FALSE),
          "mixed"     = write.csv(dta_mixed, path, row.names = FALSE),
          stop("No such type")

# write the .parquet files
walk2(parquet_files, names(parquet_files), function(path, type) {
  switch (type,
          "numeric"   = arrow::write_parquet(dta_numeric, path),
          "character" = arrow::write_parquet(dta_character, path),
          "mixed"     = arrow::write_parquet(dta_mixed, path),
          stop("No such type")

Let’s run the comparison

I use the bench::press() to run a grid of comparisons across the 3 datasets.

res_multi <- bench::press(
  type = types,
    n_iterations <- 20
    res <- bench::mark(check = FALSE,
                       "base::read.csv"          = read.csv(csv_files[[type]]),
                       "arrow::read_csv_arrow"   = arrow::read_csv_arrow(csv_files[[type]]),
                       "readr::read_csv"         = readr::read_csv(
                         show_col_= FALSE, 
                         progress = FALSE),
                       "data.table::fread"       = data.table::fread(csv_files[[type]]),
                       "arrow::read_parquet"     = arrow::read_parquet(parquet_files[[type]]),
                       iterations = n_iterations

# don't forget to cleanup
walk(csv_files, unlink)
walk(parquet_files, unlink)

ggplot2::autoplot(res_multi, type = "violin")

Median reading times

Median reading times
100,000 rows dataset
expression Type of data
numeric character mixed
arrow::read_parquet 21.9ms 34.0ms1 26.3ms1
data.table::fread 22.1ms2 43.5ms 31.6ms
arrow::read_csv_arrow 52.5ms 56.1ms 54.7ms
readr::read_csv 184.4ms 178.9ms 186.5ms
base::read.csv 767.4ms 241.0ms 505.6ms
bench::mark() results - code @ github

1 The fastest in mostly character or mixed data

2 The fastest in mostly numeric data

Same results, when reading the data files?

Let’s check that we get the same data back, when reading from disk with all these readers. I did use the bench::mark(check = TRUE) but it seems that when reading with the readr::read_csv, I get the integer columns flipper_length_mm, body_mass_g and year back as double

readr::read_csv(temp_file_csv) %>% map_chr(typeof)
          species            island    bill_length_mm 
      "character"       "character"          "double" 
    bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm       body_mass_g 
         "double"          "double"          "double" 
              sex              year 
      "character"          "double" 

whereas the other readers (e.g. data.table::fread), return them as integer

data.table::fread(temp_file_csv)%>% map_chr(typeof)
          species            island    bill_length_mm 
      "character"       "character"          "double" 
    bill_depth_mm flipper_length_mm       body_mass_g 
         "double"         "integer"         "integer" 
              sex              year 
      "character"         "integer" 

When I explicitly asked the readr::read_csv to read them as integer columns, then the only differences that remain are in the class of the object returned.

csv_base       = read.csv(temp_file_csv)
csv_arrow      = arrow::read_csv_arrow(temp_file_csv)
csv_readr      = readr::read_csv(temp_file_csv, 
                                 show_col_types = FALSE, progress = FALSE,
                                 col_types = cols(
                                   flipper_length_mm = col_integer(),
                                   body_mass_g = col_integer(),
                                   year = col_integer()
csv_data_table = data.table::fread(temp_file_csv)
parquet_arrow  = arrow::read_parquet(temp_file_parquet)

readers <- c("csv_base","csv_readr", "csv_arrow", "csv_data_table", "parquet_arrow")

tbl_check <- expand.grid(
  method1 = readers, method2 = readers, 
  stringsAsFactors = FALSE
) %>% 
  filter(method1 <  method2) %>% 
    comparison = map2(method1, method2, ~waldo::compare(
                        get(.x), get(.y),
                        x_arg = .x, y_arg = .y

`class(csv_arrow)`: "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
`class(csv_base)`:                 "data.frame"

`class(csv_base)`:                               "data.frame"
`class(csv_readr)`: "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"

`class(csv_arrow)`:               "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
`class(csv_readr)`: "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"

`class(csv_data_table)`: "data.table"                 "data.frame"
`class(csv_readr)`:      "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"

`class(csv_base)`:                    "data.frame"
`class(csv_data_table)`: "data.table" "data.frame"

`class(csv_arrow)`:      "tbl_df"     "tbl" "data.frame"
`class(csv_data_table)`: "data.table"       "data.frame"

`class(csv_base)`:                     "data.frame"
`class(parquet_arrow)`: "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"

`class(csv_readr)`:     "spec_tbl_df" "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"
`class(parquet_arrow)`:               "tbl_df" "tbl" "data.frame"

v No differences

`class(csv_data_table)`: "data.table"       "data.frame"
`class(parquet_arrow)`:  "tbl_df"     "tbl" "data.frame"

Don’t forget to clean up people


That’s it! Hope you enjoyed it


If you see mistakes or want to suggest changes, please create an issue on the source repository.


For attribution, please cite this work as

Paikousis (2022, July 27). Lefkios Paikousis: How fast is reading .parquet files with {arrow}. Retrieved from

BibTeX citation

  author = {Paikousis, Lefkios},
  title = {Lefkios Paikousis: How fast is reading .parquet files with {arrow}},
  url = {},
  year = {2022}